B / 李沧东的犹在镜中镜头运动相比前三部注入了更多凌厉的诗意但散漫到底的剧作实在爱不起来开头近一小时铺垫太冗长之后则在近乎孤立地探索人物内心的过程中逐渐失序小城的境况更像是抽空的招贴画而非足够致密的现实背景除了教导所那场超五星戏码其他几乎只能看全度妍表演了/ ② 挣脱略机械的戏剧框架将人物放逐到情境之中的开始该抽空的抽空该做实的做实18-19MACBOOKPRO整体凸显一种内爆式的纵深与肢体感李沧东创作的巧妙转折
The performance is through the roof. The most important thing, I guess, is that this story actually gets told from the point of view of those fighting against the power that be. There is nothing less insidious than what the CIA did in order to suppress POCs' fight for freedom