不愧是老霉现场感染力真心赞也终于正经跳舞了啊舞台真心豪华奢侈灯光特效也给力国王心和做坏事现场好评long live真的回忆杀被台下粉丝那句撕心裂肺的"we love you"泪目期待你的婚讯和ts7
影片 28分钟时已经是高潮星野亚希作品导致后面的情节总显得拖沓I live in a country where you and I can make decision for ourselves. I like that right, I care about it. We live in a free country. That is a powerful idea, that’s a magnificent way to live. But there is a price for that freedom, which is that sometimes we have to tolerate things that we don’t necessarily like.