Ep1.所有和时空有关的爱情故事都是未来的人发给现在的续命药不吃这个药母亲とが话しています免费是活不到未来的 Ep3. Can't play with superheroes forever, unless you live long enough to see your son have a perfect family. Ep4.我玩个巫师三到最后都完全不能从一个老父亲的状态走出来更何况人家玩的可是真人强化版的虽然游戏时长短了点 Ep5.真的怀疑复联四美队结局就是从这集找的灵感 Indeed, very... amazing... stories!
i just love it so much. i just cried for it so many times. it's an interesting story which also gives me a thought-provoking lesson. "your love is more important than mine. bullshit!"