三部曲终结God has never spoken because he does not exist.一个性压抑的姐姐监视约束妹妹的行为妹妹对姐姐由爱生恨并且从语言到行为进行报复上帝啪啪网站而且不存在了我们这群带有强烈动物性弱点的人类该如何处理人与人之间的关系如何解开我们内心灵魂压抑的枷锁神啊您就说说话吧
10/05/2019, Francesca Beale Theatre @ NYFF57. Derived from political and economic crisis and despair. Meaningful discussions and explorations about the tragedies that we seemed to be unable to avoid throughout human history. And war smash all our identities meanwhile. Part II的one take monologue很美Lyrical fragments, both visual and text.