I couldn't say if this is a comedy or a drama. I was laughing at loud at many scenes, yet a bit chocked by others. It has also many ingredients of parody : the gay right hand man from HK, the boss with cigars, the Chinese restaurant...etc. Classic fights too, with Chuck Norris
舞台感太强黄色三级斤还是音乐剧好Bernstein+Sondheim两位大佬音乐各种熟悉啊~不过I feel pretty啦just met a 'girl' named Maria啦之类的经常被各路sitcom拿去用作搅基笑话的素材所以一听到这些曲调总是憋不住要笑啊XDDD
are we still in the game? 真实和想象的世界的迷失 sexual imageries