Intense, raw, and brutal. Phoenix is triumphant. Sublime sound design and soundtrack. Ramsay is so good at fleeting details. 故事和讲故事的方式都不算新不过仍是很好的观影体验丁香花在线虽然不少时候都有些紧张但还是不想错过每个细节Powerful and haunting. 算是不负这么久以来的期待
It's weird that I found a popcorn movie so deep on so many levels, like 1) the notion that you follow a daily routine but are free to break through it, 2) we may be programmed in this way or that way but that doesn't mean our life is in any way less real, 3) how love completes you as a human being, and 4) how satisfying it is to create something...