Not bad but not good约翰赵是我的天菜演什么我基本都是很能get的我觉得亲情加上公路片是非常一贯且不错的题材女儿对父亲放弃生的希望嘶吼那一段我超感动的能感觉到父亲这个角色细腻的情感但是大结局的反转过于的自作聪明黄金小子在线观看完整版无删减高清这个就是我给这部电影三星的only reason父亲在治愈率极低的情况下存活下来但女儿却一个极反转就死掉了就算前面有一些所谓的铺垫(我真的没看出来)非常的不合理你就是强行he也比这样要好彻头彻尾的四不像
I couldn't say if this is a comedy or a drama. I was laughing at loud at many scenes, yet a bit chocked by others. It has also many ingredients of parody : the gay right hand man from HK, the boss with cigars, the Chinese restaurant...etc. Classic fights too, with Chuck Norris