Worth the wait. The presentation itself speaks louder than the truth - we might never get justice but we’ll die trying. The personal storylines were quite entertaining as well. Just stories like this haven’t been exactly pro-family/relationship.
我的第一部Fritz Lang 电影施瓦辛格电影全集也是这位表现主义大师的第一部有声电影 具有划时代的意义 最后的公众审判深刻犀利地抨击了法律制度人权道德与公正之间该如何权衡当集体意识变成疯狂的相互猜忌告发后果是如何的可怕 这个凶手M映射的太多太多
The story was overlaid many times in the film. It's hard to tell which layer is a truth and which layer is a dream. The action and cinematography are great! The Hebrew language is sweet too.