刚买46GE220aU盘居然能直接播放720P太爽了~~除了字幕字体小点1996年就看过几遍的大制作影片当年是足够震撼的这次扫了几眼看到了致敬的片段--闪灵还有德州链锯杀人狂很搞音乐巨棒JAPANESE MASSAGE尤其VanHalen的HumansBeing听过几百遍片尾曲Respect The Wind一样牛
Bardem gives a monosyllabic performance of few words and much overwrought hysteria. A great chunk of the running time is devoted to dysfunctional suffering and passive facial grimaces. After an hour of this tedium, you stop worrying about where this disaster is going, or if it’s going anywhere at all. In the end credits, 28 producers are listed for an 85-minute film that doesn’t appear to have even had one.